General News

Trunk Show ... just in time for Valentine's Day

trunk show at Sawmill River Arts in Montague MA

I'm thrilled to host this Trunk Show at the Sawmill River Arts Gallery in Montague, MA on Saturday, Feb. 8th, just in time for Valentine's Day! This is a special opportunity for me, as I was a member of the collective from 2012-2019 and loved being part of this artistic community. Come visit & experience the unique creativity of over 30 member artists and consigning artists and the annual Small Works Show, happening Feb. 2-24, 2025! I'd love to see you there!

Posted: to General News on Thu, Jan 16, 2025
Updated: Thu, Jan 16, 2025

Weave a Napkin workshop at Drift Farmstead

weaving workshops for beginners on Memorial Day weekend in central Vermont

I'm thrilled to be partnering with my friends Josh and Misse to host beginner weaving workshops at their Drift Farmstead on May 27 and 28, 2023! If you live near central Vermont, and would like to weave your own napkin on a four-harness floor loom, sign up today by emailing or calling me at or (413) 522-0358!

$125/session for two people (each will weave on one loom at the same time)

I'll also have a Trunk Show & Sale of my work - mostly handwoven wearables - scarves, shawls, ponchos, vests & hats!

The workshops are part of a larger Open House & Open Studios event - Josh Axelrod Photography Open Studio & Sale ( and the Vermont Farm & Forest School Open House ( There will also be hot pizzas from the outdoor stone oven, sausages (and vegan options) with peppers & onions, farm tours, a donut social, shopping at The Farm Store and more! for a full lineup visit!

Weaving Workshop Sessions both days (contact me for availability, first come first served for sign-ups!):

9-10:30 am




Posted: to General News on Thu, Apr 6, 2023
Updated: Thu, Apr 6, 2023

Share a Smile / Fall 2022 shows

October 2022

Everyone knows we're living in challenging times, and we're doing the best we can!

One way to help cope is to "share your light" with others. Smiles brighten peoples' days - it's that sharing of positive energy, the lightness that comes when smiling eyes meet and the simple exchange of kindness.

I sell my weaving at a LOT of juried shows annually (check out the calendar to see where I am) and meeting people is one of the joys of my life. This quote from Howard Thurman sums it all up:

"Don't ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive."

Go be YOU and share your gifts with the world. And always remember to smile!

Posted: to General News on Wed, Oct 12, 2022
Updated: Wed, Oct 12, 2022

Back in Action - Summer 2021

Summertime shows are happening!

Well it has been a very long year, and I've been missing meeting you and sharing my handwoven pieces with you a lot! Thankfully, COVID is presently being kept at bay thanks to vaccinations and careful planning by event organizers.

I'm thrilled to have lined up a few shows for the summer & fall ... not sure the indoor ones in November & December will be safe to hold, but we shall see as time goes by.

First up is the 88th annual Craftsmen's (and women's!) Fair at Sunapee Mountain, through the prestigious League of NH Craftsmen. I'll be there and would love to show you my new work, including HATS made with leftover chenille and organic cotton/hemp fleece. Super soft and matching vests and scarves for a full ensemble of delightfulness!

Next up will be Longs Park in Lancaster, PA, over Labor Day weekend. This event has a wonderful venue - grassy park, lovely pond and shady trees to relax under as you contemplate your purchases of fine craft and art.

Watch the calendar page of this website for more info, dates & times of shows. I hope to see you this summer and fall!

Posted: to General News on Thu, Jul 29, 2021
Updated: Thu, Jul 29, 2021

Virtual Shows in 2020

Central PA Festival of the Arts July 9-12

It's a wild and crazy 2020 for sure and many of us artists are experiencing cancellations of the very events at which we make our living - high end juried shows throughout the country.

Many event organizers are instead, hosting "virtual" shows which basically means they're updating their websites to include photos and links directly to our websites, where you can purchase our work online. Many of them do this anyways as part of marketing the show; some are also hosting musical and artist demo events during the "virtual show."

The Central PA Festival of the Arts is hosting a virtual show July 9-12. Please visit to "attend" that show which I'm participating in.

Obviously it won't be nearly as much fun as meeting each of you and sharing my work with you individually, and talking about it, and inviting you to touch and try on each piece.

But, as the "next best thing," during this pandemic, I invite you to participate in this virtual show with me and purchase my work that way. We can talk via email and I'll be happy to answer your questions about fiber, texture, process, etc.

Right now, a few shows are planning (hoping) to go forward with physical events in September and October. These include the Crafts at Lyndhurst Tarrytown NY show, Fruitlands Museum show in Harvard MA and the Stowe Fall Foliage Crafts Festival in Stowe VT. I hope to see you there (fingers crossed).

Thank You for your support of me, and of the arts!

Posted: to General News on Sat, Jul 4, 2020
Updated: Sat, Jul 4, 2020

Shows Cancelling Update

Hi friends,

I'm sorry to say that many fine art and craft shows throughout the country are cancelling, due to the virus sweeping our nation. Among these are the Paradise City Arts Festival, which was cancelled for next weekend. They plan to run it on June 12-14 but I will (hopefully) be in Columbus OH at a show that weekend.

If you were planning to attend Paradise City and would like to see more of my work, please email me at and share what you're intersted in (scarves, shawls, ponchos, vests) and I will be happy to email you photos, of pieces you can purchase online.

Thank you for shopping online as a way to help artists survive these times while shows, the main sources of our income, continue to cancel for public health and safety reasons.

Thank you so much!

all the best,

Kathy Litchfield - owner, designer, weaver

Posted: to General News on Sat, Mar 14, 2020
Updated: Sat, Mar 14, 2020

From Grit to Glory

Handmade Business Magazine Spotlighted Firecrow Handwovens

April 2019:

Posted: to General News on Fri, Apr 19, 2019
Updated: Fri, Apr 19, 2019

5 Ways to Choose a Scarf - so you Feel Good Now!

color and texture matter

Five Ways to Choose a Scarf – so you Feel Great Now

  1. Choose colors that highlight your eyes – ex. hazel eyes look great with earth toned scarves
  2. Choose colors that highlight your hair – ex. dark hair looks great with jewel tones and richer colors; blond hair looks great with pastels and lighter shades
  3. Choose textures that share an aspect of your personality – bold, courageous, subtle or sexy
  4. Choose colors that go with your wardrobe so that it will match several outfits/coats
  5. Go wild and crazy, and choose something totally different from what’s in your closet to shake up your wardrobe!

Did you recently buy a scarf, shawl or poncho? what choice did you make, and why?

Posted: to General News on Wed, Mar 27, 2019
Updated: Wed, Mar 27, 2019

Aromatherapy Herbal Pillows with Handwoven Fabric on TV-22’s Mass Appeal

Weaver Kathy Litchfield showed how to make herbal pillows and sachets with handwoven fabric scraps. Shown above is one in overshot and the other in deflected doubleweave.

Posted: to General News on Fri, Apr 14, 2017
Updated: Fri, Apr 14, 2017

TV-22 MassAppeal Host Seth Stuttman learns to Weave

TV-22 MassAppeal Host Seth Stuttman learns to weave on a four-harness floor loom with weaver Kathy Litchfield demonstrating  how to make cloth.


Posted: to General News on Sun, Mar 19, 2017
Updated: Tue, Mar 21, 2017

Dressing a Loom on MassAppeal

Host Lauren Zenzie talks with Kathy about how to dress a loom for weaving and Kathy demonstrates.

Posted: to General News on Mon, Jan 23, 2017
Updated: Mon, Jan 23, 2017

TV-22 MassAppeal Twisting Scarf Fringes

Kathy demonstrates how to hand twist the fringes on handwoven scarves to help them last a long time looking great.

CHICOPEE, Mass. (Mass Appeal) – It’s getting cold outside, which means we need winter gloves and scarves, to keep us not only warm, but fashionable too! Kathy Litchfield with Firecrow Handwovens showed us how to make our scarves last a lifetime!

Posted: to General News on Fri, Dec 16, 2016
Updated: Thu, Jan 19, 2017

"Here in Hanover" Magazine feature

League of NH Craftsmen Hanover Gallery featured

Here in Hanover" Magazine published a wonderful article about the League of NH Craftsmen, " signature of excellence" in their Winter 2016 issue. I'm one of several artists featured in their Hanover gallery at a special exhibit in Sept/Oct 2016. Read it here:

Posted: to General News on Tue, Nov 22, 2016
Updated: Tue, Nov 22, 2016

TV-22 Mass Appeal Thanksgiving Table Settings

Host Lauren Zenzie talks with Kathy about her handwoven cotton napkins and table runners with the Thanksgiving holiday right around the corner.

CHICOPEE, Mass. (Mass Appeal) – Thanksgiving is around the corner, and if you’re in need of place settings and centerpieces, we have a solution for you! Kathy Litchfield with Firecrow Handwovens talked about place settings, table runners, and other decorations for your Thanksgiving feast!

Posted: to General News on Mon, Nov 21, 2016
Updated: Thu, Jan 19, 2017

TV-22 Mass Appeal Ponchos are Back in Style

Host Lauren talks with Kathy about handwoven ponchos, how to wear them and different styles available.

Posted: to General News on Thu, Nov 3, 2016
Updated: Thu, Nov 3, 2016

TV-22 Mass Appeal Handwoven Kitchen Cloths

Kathy demonstrates hand hemming handwoven kitchen cloths

Posted: to General News on Fri, Sep 23, 2016
Updated: Fri, Sep 23, 2016

Art Beat: A life alive with color

by Trish Crapo, Greenfield Recorder

Wednesday, February 17, 2016
(Published in print: Thursday, February 18, 2016)

Turning onto Bascom Road off Lampblack Road in Greenfield and winding your way down the curving road into Gill is like driving back in time.

The narrow road, tunneled with trees, opens surprisingly into a broad expanse where two traditional New England farmhouses with barns, fields and pastures sit diagonally across the road from each other. At the second farm, two donkeys gaze with curiosity over the fence, while cattle search for grass under the snow with their noses.

People sometimes call the area “The Hidden Valley,” says weaver Kathy Litchfield, who lives and works in one of the farmhouses in Bascom Hollow. She and her husband, Ivan Ussach, work together with two other families to raise vegetables, cattle, pigs and chickens. And when she’s not doing farm chores, Litchfield is in her second- floor studio carrying on the centuries-old tradition of weaving clothing and kitchen linens by hand on wooden looms.

Litchfield first encountered weaving as a nine-year-old girl on a field trip to Old Sturbridge Village. She fell in love, she says.

Full Article HERE

Posted: to General News on Thu, Feb 18, 2016
Updated: Thu, Feb 18, 2016

Kathy interviewed on WHMP

Kathy was invited to talk about doing what you love and making a living from it on Ira Bryck’s WHMP radio show, Saturday, March 14, 2015. It was fun!

Here’s the link:

Posted: to General News on Fri, Mar 14, 2014
Updated: Fri, Mar 14, 2014

North Quabbin Garlic & Arts Festival

In October 2013, I helped to promote the North Quabbin Garlic & Arts Festival.

Watch the show clip here:

Posted: to General News on Wed, Oct 2, 2013
Updated: Wed, Oct 2, 2013

Kathy on MassAppeal

Watch Kathy teach TV-22 Host Seth Stuttman how to weave (not “knit”) a scarf on the loom! January 25, 2013 appearance on TV-22 News!

Posted: to General News on Fri, Jan 25, 2013
Updated: Fri, Jan 25, 2013

Firecrow Handwovens Scarves Shawls Ponchos

scarves, shawls, ponchos, home textiles, towels, placemats, cowl scarves, infinity scarves, handwoven, handmade, hand-twisted fringes, hemmed, hemstitched, woven, weaving, weave, chenille, cotton, rayon, mohair, boucle, merino wool, for sale, tencel, made by hand, wearables, fiber, wearable fiber, high-quality, juried, shows, colorful, functional, art, wearable art, luxurious, soft, warm, cozy, craft, fine craft, story scarves, story shawls, beautiful, jewel tones, earth tones, stripes, plaid, deflected doubleweave, bronson lace, twill, eight harness, four harness, weave structures, complex, design, fiberworks